George Waggner

07.09.1894, New York - 11.12.1984, Los Angeles



American actor, director, producer and writer.

He is best known for producing and directing the film The Wolf Man from 1941.

For an unknown reason, Waggner sometimes configured his name mostly in lower case, but with two capital Gs in his last name ("waGGner"), including in the credits of some of the productions he directed.


Films by this director

The Wolf Man

(USA, 1941)

Directed by: George Waggner
PHOTOGRAPHY: Joseph Valentine

Nakon što je 18 godina živio u SAD-u, markantni Larry Talbot se zbog vijesti da je njegov stariji brat poginuo u lovu vraća na imanje svoje obitelji u Walesu. Tu ga očekuju njegov otac Sir John Talbot, ali i šarmantna mlada djevojka Gwen Conliffe, koja Larryja privuče na prvi pogled. Kad u društvu Gwen i njezine prijateljice Jenny posjeti obližnji cirkus, Jenny će otići u šator gatare koja proriče sudbinu, no koja će u njezinu slučaju ustuknuti prestrašena oni...

b/w, 70'
See full programe