From 15.10.2019. To 24.05.2022.

Filmski kurikulum

Wim Wenders




Wim Wenders was born on August, 14th 1945 in Düsseldorf, Germany. He studied medicine and philosophy, and in 1967 enrolled in the Hochschule für Fernsehen und Film München in München. While studying he made a few short films. In 1970 he made his first feature film Summer in the City, which was also his final examination. In the film Die Angst des Tormannes beim Elfmeter (1971) he began his collaboration with the actor Rüdiger Vogler, who often represented the author’s alter ego. In the period from 1968 to 1971 he intensively wrote and published many articles covering all segments of culture. With his friend Rainer Werner Fassbinder, another famous German director, and some other people he founded the Filmverlag der Autoren, an organization of film authors with a simple goal in mind – to make films. In 1974 he founded the Wim Wenders produktion and in 1976 the production company Road Movies Filmproduktion. Towards the end of 70’s he accepted the invitation by Francis Ford Coppola to direct the film Hammet, inspired by the life of the American writer Dashiell Hammett. During his stay in the US, Wenders made films such as Lightning over Water (1980) – a portrait of his film idol Nicholas Ray, and the acclaimed and awarded Paris, Texas (1984). For his film Der Himmel über Berlin (1987) he won the award for the best director in Cannes in 1987. He shot the controversial film Bis ans Ende der Welt in 1991. In 1993 he made Faraway, So Close, a sequel to Der Himmel über Berlin, and a year later Lisbon Story, which achieved a cult status in many European countries. Then followed the acclaimed The End of Violence (1997) as well as the appraised and awarded documentary Buena Vista Social Club (1999), which was also nominated for an Oscar. In 2000 he won the Silver Bear in Berlin for the film The Million Dollar Hotel. Beside directing music documentary and short films he continues directing feature films: Land of Plenty (2004), Don't Come Knocking (2005) and Palermo Shooting (2008). Pina (2011), 3D music documentary about famous coreographer Pina Bausch is his currently last film. Wenders was awarded with the honorary doctorate of the University of Sorbonne in Paris. From 1991 to 1996 he was the chairman of the European film Academy. Since 1993, he was teacher at the Hochschule für Fernsehen und Film München in München and since 2003. he teaches in Hochschule für bildende Künste in Hamburg.


The Salt of the Earth (Juliano Ribeiro Salgado & Wim Wenders, 2014)
Pina (2011)
If Buildings Could Talk (short) (2010)
8 (segment Person to Person) (2008)
Palermo Shooting (2008)
Chacun son cinéma ou Ce petit coup au coeur quand la lumière s'éteint et que le film commence (segment War in Peace) (2007)
Invisibles (documentary) (segment Invisible Crimes) (2007)
Don't Come Knocking (2005)
Land of Plenty (2004)
The Blues (documentary TV series, sequel The Soul of a Man) (2003)
The Soul of a Man (documentary) (2003)
Other Side of the Road (short) (2003)
U2: The Best of 1990-2000 (documentary) (video Stay Faraway, So Close!, video The Ground Beneath Her Feet) (2002)
Ten Minutes Older: The Trumpet (segment Twelve Miles to Trona) (2002)
Ode to Cologne: A Rock 'N' Roll Film (documentary) (2002)
The Million Dollar Hotel (2000)
Buena Vista Social Club (documentary) (1999)
Willie Nelson at the Teatro (documentary) (1998)
The End of Violence (1997)
Die Gebrüder Skladanowsky (feature-documentary) (1995)
Lumière et compagnie (documentary) (1995)
Al di là delle nuvole (1995)
Priča iz Lisabona (Lisbon Story, 1994)
In weiter Ferne, so nah! (1993)
Arisha, der Bär und der steinerne Ring (short) (1992)
Bis ans Ende der Welt (1991)
Red Hot and Blue (segment Night and Day) (1990)
Aufzeichnungen zu Kleidern und Städten (documentary) (1989)
Der Himmel über Berlin (1987)
Tokyo-Ga (documentary) (1985)
Docu Drama (1984)
Paris, Texas (1984)
Hammett (1982)
Reverse Angle (documentary) (1982)
Chambre 666 (aka. Room 666) (documentary)Der Stand der Dinge (1982)
Lightning Over Water ((aka. Nick's Film - Lightning over Water) (1980)
Der Amerikanische Freund (1977)
Im Lauf der Zeit (1976)
Falsche Bewegung (1974)
Alice in den Städten (1974)
The Island (aka. From the Family of Reptiles (short) (1974)
Der Scharlachrote Buchstabe (1972)
Die Angst des Tormannes beim Elfmeter (1971)
Summer in the City (1970)
Alabama: 2000 Light Years (short) (1969)
3 American LP's (short) (1969)
Silver City (short) (1969)
Klappenfilm (short) (1968)
Same Player Shoots Again (short) (1968)
Polizeifilm (short) 1968)
Victor I. (short) (1968)
Schauplätze (short) (1967)

Films by this director

Alice in the Cities

(Alice in den Städten, 1974)

Directed by: Wim Wenders

Phil is a German photographer wandering across the American East coast searching for a story. In some hotel he meets a girl named Alice and her mother. When the mother disappears, the road movie begins, in which Wenders outlines the relationship between a grown-up man and a child.

Thw Wrong Move

(Falsche Bewegung, 1974)

Directed by: Wim Wenders

This is a story about Wilhelm Meister, who wants to become a writer. He sets off on an odyssey through Germany in order to find himself, and to understand the history of his country. On his journey he is accompanied by different characters: the pragmatic Theresa, the mute bisexual Mignon and Laertes, her hippie boyfriend, the poet Landau.... This film is an unofficial adaptation of Goethe’s novel Wilhelm Meister.

Nick's Film - Lightning over Water


Directed by: Wim Wenders

This film shows the last days of a cult film director Nicholas Ray. It has been edited with much care by Wenders himself. The fact that Ray is Wenders’s idol is visible in every scene. Famous American film critic Roger Ebert wrote about this film:” It is impossible to forget this film."

The State of Things

(Der Stand der Dinge, 1982)

Directed by: Wim Wenders

This film is, in a way, Wenders’s autobiography. It is a story of a producer who lacks financial resources. He and his somewhat miserable film crew are stuck in the middle of Portugal. The director is even left without the filming tape. The only thing they can do is threaten the potential investors – especially Americans, the real film fans… Showing the troubles of an imaginary film crew, Wenders in fact raises his voice in the name of all homeless and those without rights (th...



Directed by: Wim Wenders

The film shows modern Japan and the work of Wenders’s favorite director Yasujiro Ozuo. There are conversations with Ozuo’s lead actor, his cinematographer, and the director Werner Herzog, Ozuo’s film colleague. Tokyo-Ga starts off and finishes with scenes from Ozuo’s film Tokyo Story.

Aufzeichnungen zu Kleidern und Städten


Directed by: Wim Wenders
PHOTOGRAPHY: Masasai Chikamori, Muriel Edelstein, Uli Kudicke, Robby Muller, Musatocki Nakayima, Wim Wenders

A conversation between Wim Wenders and the famous Japanese fashion designer Yohji Yamamoto about the creative process, theory about connecting different cities, identity and the crisis of cinematography in the digital era.

color, 80 min

Lisbon Story


Directed by: Wim Wenders

The film begins with an ordinary postcard and a strange text written on it. The sender is the director Friedrich Monroe and the receiver is his friend Phillip Winter, the sound recorder. Friedrich is making a film about Lisbon by walking around the town with a camera in his hand filming people, the atmosphere, events, and the reality… But he has troubles with recording the sound, so he decides to ask his friend to help him. But when Winter arrives to Lisbon, Friedrich is no longer there. He...

Paris, Texas

(France, West Germany, 1984)

Directed by: Wim Wenders

Wandering alone in the desert regions of South Texas, a man dressed in a dusty suit and with a red cap on his head, in search of water, enters a dilapidated bar. When he doesn't find her, he puts a handful of ice from the refrigerator in his mouth and passes out from the heat. And when the doctor soon asks him certain questions, the man's answer will be silence. However, the doctor finds the phone number of his brother Walt, who agrees to come pick him up during the conversation and dis...

color, 147'

Wings of Desire

(Der Himmel über Berlin, Germany, France, 1987 | Mjesto prikazivanja filma: Centar za kulturu i informacije Maksimir (ul. Lavoslava Švarca 18))

Directed by: Wim Wenders

Berlin is filled with angels who are listening the thoughts of mortals, trying to console them. One of them, Daniel, wishes to become mortal as well, after falling in love with beautiful trapese artist called Marion. Cult film by Wim Wenders, awarded at many film festivals. At film festival in Cannes in 1987. Wenders received award for best director for this film.

b/w, 127'

Until the End of the World

(Bis ans Ende der Welt, 1991)

Directed by: Wim Wenders

Film postaje dostupan za online prikazivanje u petak 1. svibnja u 20 sati, a nakon toga ostaje dostupan još 24 sata. Film ima hrvatske podnaslove, a gledanje je moguće samo iz Hrvatske. Upute o gledanju filma preko Vimeo online platforme pogledajte na: LINK Do kraja svijeta je odiseja modernog vremena. U središtu priče je dr. Faber koji je, u pokušaju pronalaženja lijeka za sljepoću svoje žene, kreirao napravu koja omogućuje korisniku primanje slika izr...

Buena Vista Social Club


Directed by: Wim Wenders

Film postaje dostupan za prikazivanje u četvrtak 7. svibnja u 20 sati, a nakon toga ostaje dostupan još iduća 24  sata. Film ima hrvatske podnaslove, a gledanje je moguće samo iz Hrvatske. Upute o gledanju filma preko Vimeo online platforme pogledajte na: LINK Godine 1996. Ry Cooder, jedan od najsvestranijih i najzanimljivijih glazbenika današnjice, okupio je u Havani neka od najvećih imena u povijesti kubanske glazbe i zajedno s njima snimio CD Buena Vista Social Club. Albu...

The Million Dollar Hotel


Directed by: Wim Wenders
PHOTOGRAPHY: Phedon Papamichael

Skupina jedinstvenih izopćenika i gubitnika živi u jeftinom prenoćištu poznatom pod imenom Hotel od milijun dolara. Hotel od milijun dolara uskoro postaje mjesto policijske istrage: jedan od stanara hotela, naočit ovisnik o drogama Izzy, tragično je preminuo. Svi stanari Hotela su sumnjivi u istrazi koju vodi detektiv Skinner. Kako njegova istraga napreduje, linija između ubojstva i samoubojstva, razuma i ludila, postaje vrlo nejasna… Film poznat po tome što je jedan od sce...

color, 132 min

The Scarlet Letter

(Der scharlachrote Buchstabe, 1973)

Directed by: Wim Wenders

In the 17th century in Salem, Hester Prynne is forced by her fellow-townsmen to wear a scarlet letter that denotes her as an adulteress. Seven years ago she gave birth to a child out of wedlock and in all those years she has not revealed her lover’s identity. Thus she is banned from society. Soon an older stranger arrives to the village and Hester recognizes him as her long ago vanished husband. Pretending to be a doctor, he tries to discover her lover’s identity.

color, 90 min

Kings of the Road

(Im Lauf der Zeit, 1975)

Directed by: Wim Wenders

Film postaje dostupan za online prikazivanje u nedjelju 19. travnja u 20 sati, a nakon toga ostaje dostupan još 24 sata. Film ima hrvatske podnaslove, a gledanje je moguće samo iz Hrvatske. Upute o gledanju filma preko Vimeo online platforme pogledajte na: LINK Kao popravljač kino projektora Bruno provodi vrijeme stalno putujući od jednog ostarjeloga kina do drugog. Susreće depresivna autostopera Roberta kojem se raspao brak te odlučuju zajedno nastaviti put. U Brunovom k...

Room 666

(Chambre 666, 1982)

Directed by: Wim Wenders

At Wenders’ request, during the film festival in Cannes in 1982, different directors came to the room 666 in hotel Martinez where they turned on the camera and answered questions about the future of film.

A Trick of Light

(Die Gebrüder Skladanowsky, 1995)

Directed by: Wim Wenders

Wim Wenders made this film with students of the Film Academy in Munich. It is a story about the birth of film in Berlin. The Skladanowsky brothers, Max and Emil, made a film projector that they called Bioskop. The film starts about a hundred years ago with the story about the brothers and ends in 1995 with Max’s daughter Lucie who reminisces about her father and the first years of film.

The American Friend

(Der amerikanische Freund, 1977)

Directed by: Wim Wenders

Film postaje dostupan za online prikazivanje u subotu 25. travnja u 20 sati, a nakon toga ostaje dostupan još 24 sata. Film ima hrvatske podnaslove, a gledanje je moguće samo iz Hrvatske. Upute o gledanju filma preko Vimeo online platforme pogledajte na: LINK Jonathan Zimmermann (Brun Ganz), izrađivač okvira za slike iz Hamburga, otkriva da boluje od leukemije i da mu se bliži kraj. Ripley (Dennis Hopper), američki preprodavač umjetnina, iskorištava tu činjenicu i...

The Goalie's Anxiety at the Penalty Kick

(Die Angst des Tormanns beim Elfmeter, West Germany, Austria, 1972)

Directed by: Wim Wenders

Film postaje dostupan za online prikazivanje u ponedjeljak 27. travnja u 20 sati, a nakon toga ostaje dostupan još 24 sata. Film ima hrvatske podnaslove, a gledanje je moguće samo iz Hrvatske. Upute o gledanju filma preko Vimeo online platforme pogledajte na: LINK Krimi drama adaptirana prema istoimenom romanu kontroverznog austrijskog pisca Petera Handkea, redateljeva prijatelja s kojim je surađivao u nekoliko navrata. Glavni lik je golman kojega, nakon &s...

Faraway, So Close!

(In weiter Ferne, so nah!, Germany, 1993)

Directed by: Wim Wenders

Film postaje dostupan za online prikazivanje u nedjelju 17. svibnja u 20 sati, a nakon toga ostaje dostupan još 24 sata. Film ima hrvatske podnaslove, a gledanje je moguće samo iz Hrvatske. Upute o gledanju filma preko Vimeo online platforme pogledajte na: LINK Skupina anđela u Berlinu prati život ljudi... Nastavak Neba nad Berlinom (1987) koji je Wenders snimio tri godine nakon pada Berlinskog zida i u kojem pratimo što se dogodilo s gradom i ranijim likovima. Do...

Perfect Days

(Japan, Germany, 2023 | Mjesto prikazivanja filma: Kino Forum (SD Stjepan Radić, Jarunska ul. 2))

Directed by: Wim Wenders

Radnja filma Savršeni dani prati Hirayamu koji naizgled uživa u svom jednostavnom životu čistača javnih zahoda u Tokiju. Pored njegove savršeno strukturirane radne svakodnevice on uživa u slušanju glazbe i čitanju knjiga. Također voli drveće koje redovito fotografira. Međutim, nekoliko neočekivanih susreta polagano će započeti razotkrivati njegovu prošlost... Wendersov najnoviji film duboko je dirljiv i poetičan prikaz ljepote svakodnevnog svijeta koji nas okru...

color, 124'
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