Saneamento Básico, O Filme

feature film, 2007.

DIRECTED BY: Jorge Furtado

Saneamento Básico, O Filme

Fernanda Torres (Marina),
Wagner Moura (Joaquim),
Camila Pitanga (Silene),
Bruno Garcia (Fabrício),
Janaína Kremer Motta (Marcela)

Jorge Furtado

Jacob Solitrenick

Residents of a small village in southern Brazil need to build a gutter. Marina, a local merchant, decides to start building it, but learns from the local council that there is no money for the project. However, there is a fund for shooting a short feature film. Marina does not give up and decides to make a film about the “monster from the gutter” and redirect the funds for the film to the construction. Even though neither she nor her fellow villagers know anything about shooting a film, they bravely enter this new venture.

digital, color, 112 min
