Petites misères, feature film, 2002
DIRECTED BY: Philippe Boon

Albert Dupontel (Jean),
Marie Trintignant (Nicole),
Serge Larivière (Georges),
Bouli Lanners (Eddy)
Philippe Boon i Laurent Brandenbourger
Jean (Albert Dupontel) is a court custodian. He is sharp and relentless, and sometimes breaks the rules of moral conduct of his underappreciated profession.
Jean’s wife Nicole (Marie Trintignant) is a beautiful but nervous and rash woman. She often goes on shopping sprees or enjoys the company of her lover Georges (Serge Larivičre). Georges is always in debt, addicted to buying things on shopping channels and often partners up with Jean in his business plots.
When Jean meets Eddy (Bouli Lanners), a compassionate and clumsy police officer whose job is to follow him, Jean’s life becomes a nightmare.
35 mm, color, 88 min