Philippe Boon

His films include:
Mon dieu, C’est plein d’etoiles, short film
15 secondes dans la vie de…, TV series, 15 seconds spots in collaboration with Laurent Brandenbourger
Le trieur, short film in collaboration with Laurent Brandenbourger
Luc et Marie, le film, short film in collaboration with Laurent Brandenbourger
Le cinema des freres Coen, feature for a magaziner, TV Extérieurs Nuit, France 3.
Petites miseres, co director with Laurent Brandenbourger
Laurent Brandenbourger was born in 1967 in Luxembourg. He studied film arts at the IAD.
His films include:
Fais-moi mal Johnny, TV spot
Le kitsch ou l’art de s’en servir, short film
Agressiva, nos amis les bruits, short film for television
15 secondes dans la vie de…, TV series, 15 second spots in collaboration with Philippe Boon
Le trieur, short film in collaboration with Philippe Boon
Luc et Marie, le film, short film in collaboration with Philippe Boon
Petites miseres in collaboration with Philippe Boon