Sailor Moon S The Movie: Hearts in Ice
Gekijô-ban - Bishôjo senshi Sêrâ Mûn S, animated, 1994.
DIRECTED BY: Hiroki Shibata

Glasovi: Keiko Han (Luna),
Kotono Mitsuishi (Usagi Tsukino - Mjesečeva ratnica),
Masami Kikuchi (Kakeru Oozora),
Michie Tomizawa (Rei Hino - Marsova ratnica)
Sukehiro Tomita (prema mangi Sailor Moon Naoko Takeuchi)
Kaguya the Snow Queen, who once tried to freeze Earth, comes back to try to do it again. However, in order for her wicked plans to succeed, she needs a lost piece of a comet, which was accidentally found by a young astronomer named Kakeru. He once saved Luna’s life and she has been in love with him ever since. Moon warriors are fighting against the Snow Queen - and Luna will soon get a chance to properly thank Kakeru.
color, 61 min