So-syeol-po-bi-a, feature film, 2014.
DIRECTED BY: Seok-jae Hong

Byeon Yo-han (Ji-weong),
Lee Ju-seung (Yong-min),
Bae Yoo-ram (Jeong-bae),
Byeon Jin-soo (Jin-goo),
Ha Yoon-kyeong (Ha-yeong / Re-Na)
Hong Seok-jae
Lee Seong-joong
Two young men are preparing for their exam at the police academy and they get offended because of an anonymous comment on the internet about a death of a soldier. They decide to investigate and find out the real identity of the commentator. When they identify him they head to his house with a few friends in order to ask for an apology. At the same time they are planning to film their sudden visit and stream it to the Internet. However, as they enter the apartment they encounter a shocking surprise and mystery, which they then attempt to solve.
digital, color, 100 min