feature film, 1972.
DIRECTED BY: Hans Kratzert

Gojko Mitić (Tecumseh),
Annekathrin Bürger (Eileen),
Rolf Römer (Simon McKew),
Leon Niemczyk (McKew),
Wolfgang Greese (guverner William Harrison)
Wolfgang Ebeling,
Rolf Römer
Wolfgang Braumann
This is a romantic and freely adapted biography of an historical figure, the Indian chief Tecumseh, who lived in the early 19th century. He was a member of the Shawnee tribe and according to this film he was raised by a white family with the surname McKew. Americans, led by Governor Harrison, are doing everything in their power to appropriate the Indians’ land, and Tecumseh decides to stop them. He unites the Indian tribes and reaches an agreement by which all the chiefs agree not to sell their land.
Program of westerns is part of project Return of Winnetou by Goethe-Institut Kroatien
35 mm, color, 109 min