From 10.10. To 13.10.2012.

Program of westerns
Films in cycle
Treasure of Silver Lake
(Der Schatz im Silbersee, 1962.)
Directed by: Harald Reinl
PHOTOGRAPHY: Ernst W. Kalinke
This is the first film in the series of Westerns based on stories by Karl May and is also the most famous part of this international co-production shot in Croatia. The main bad guy, colonel Brinkley, searches for a treasure map that was torn in two parts. After attacking a postal carriage and murdering all the passengers, he steals a part of the map found with Mr. Patterson. Old Shatterhand and Fred Engel, who wants to avenge his father’s death, pursue him. Program of westerns is part of projec...
35 mm, color, 111 min
Wednesday 10.10.2012 AT 19:00
Sons of Great Bear
(Die Söhne der großen Bärin, 1966.)
Directed by: Josef Mach
PHOTOGRAPHY: Jaroslav Tuzar
Gojko Mitić, in his first leading role, stars as Tokei-Ihto, the son of a murdered Indian chief who had been trying to secure a dignified life for his tribe. His father was murdered by a white man named Red Fox to get some gold that is allegedly hidden somewhere in Indian territory. When they were first given the land it seemed as if the Indians would have a peaceful life, but as soon as white men learn about the gold they want to chase the Indians away. Supposedly for the purpose of negotiation...
35 mm, color, 92 min
Thursday 11.10.2012 AT 19:00
Winnetou I
Directed by: Harald Reinl
PHOTOGRAPHY: Ernst W. Kalinke
Even though Lex Barker starred as Old Shatterhand and Pierre Brice as Winnetou in the first film from this series, Treasure in Silver Lake (Der Schatz im Silbersee, 1962), it is only in this second installment of their tale that we learn how they met. It is the era of railroad building in the Wild West. The tracks are carefully planned so that they do not disturb the Indian settlements. Trying to avoid high costs and getting his hands on more gold, Frederick Santer decides to change the directio...
35 mm, color, 101 min
Thursday 11.10.2012 AT 21:00
Winnetou II
Directed by: Harald Reinl
PHOTOGRAPHY: Ernst W. Kalinke
The relationships between white men and Indians are intense, and the Apache Winnetou is trying to maintain peace with the help of his blood brother, Old Shatterhand. After saving and unknown Indian girl from a bear, Winnetou manages to persuade her tribe to free three white soldiers who are their prisoners. It seems that the situation is getting better, but on their way home, the soldiers encounter a group of bandits who destroy the entire Indian village. The soldiers were saved by Old Shatterha...
35 mm, color, 94 min
Friday 12.10.2012 AT 19:00
Directed by: Hans Kratzert
PHOTOGRAPHY: Wolfgang Braumann
This is a romantic and freely adapted biography of an historical figure, the Indian chief Tecumseh, who lived in the early 19th century. He was a member of the Shawnee tribe and according to this film he was raised by a white family with the surname McKew. Americans, led by Governor Harrison, are doing everything in their power to appropriate the Indians’ land, and Tecumseh decides to stop them. He unites the Indian tribes and reaches an agreement by which all the chiefs agree not to sell their...
35 mm, color, 109 min
Friday 12.10.2012 AT 21:00
Winnetou III
Directed by: Harald Reinl
PHOTOGRAPHY: Ernst W. Kalinke
Winnetou and Old Shatterhand join forces again in a fight against unscrupulous bandits. In order to get his hands on the Apache’s land, the leader of the Rollins Gang does everything in his power to upset the fragile peace between Indians and white men. The immigrants fall for Rollins’ lies and things are additionally complicated when Winnetou gets accused of murdering the son of the White Buffalo, who is the chief of another Indian tribe… Program of westerns is part of project Return of Wi...
35 mm, color, 93 min
Saturday 13.10.2012 AT 19:00
Blood Brothers
(Blutsbrüder, 1975.)
Directed by: Werner Wallroth
PHOTOGRAPHY: Hans Heinrich
In the fall of 1864, an American soldier called Harmonika witnesses an attack on an Indian village near Sand Creek. Disgusted by the massacre of innocent children and women, he decides to leave the army. Shortly after deserting the army, he gets captured by the Indians, buts slowly he gains their trust. He becomes friends with the brave warrior Harter Felsen and falls in love with his sister Rehkitz... Program of westerns is part of project Return of Winnetou by Goethe-Institut Kroatien