Od 09.02. Do 27.02.2007.

Ciklus filmova Josepha Loseya


Petak, 09.02.2007

19:00 Dječak zelene kose

The Boy with Green Hair, 1948

21:00 Vrijeme bez milosti

Time Without Pity, 1957

Subota, 10.02.2007

19:00 Vrijeme bez milosti

Time Without Pity, 1957

21:00 Dječak zelene kose

The Boy with Green Hair, 1948

Ponedjeljak, 12.02.2007

19:00 Nenajavljeni sastanak

Blind Date, 1959

21:00 Sluga

The Servant, 1963

Utorak, 13.02.2007

19:00 Sluga

The Servant, 1963

21:00 Nenajavljeni sastanak

Blind Date, 1959

Srijeda, 14.02.2007

19:00 Rafali u zoru

King and Country, 1964

21:00 Modesty Blaise

Velika Britanija, 1966

Četvrtak, 15.02.2007

19:00 Modesty Blaise

Velika Britanija, 1966

21:00 Rafali u zoru

King and Country, 1964

Subota, 17.02.2007

19:00 Nesreća

Accident, 1967

21:00 Tajna ceremonija

Secret Ceremony, 1968

Ponedjeljak, 19.02.2007

19:00 Tajna ceremonija

Secret Ceremony, 1968

21:00 Nesreća

Accident, 1967

Utorak, 20.02.2007

19:00 Ljubavni glasnik

The Go-Between, 1970

Srijeda, 21.02.2007

19:00 Umorstvo Trockoga

The Assassination of Trotsky, 1972

21:00 Ljubavni glasnik

The Go-Between, 1970

Četvrtak, 22.02.2007

19:00 Romantična Engleskinja

The Romantic Englishwoman, 1975

21:00 Gospodin Klein

Monsieur Klein, 1976

Subota, 24.02.2007

19:00 Gospodin Klein

Monsieur Klein, 1976

21:00 Umorstvo Trockoga

The Assassination of Trotsky, 1972

Ponedjeljak, 26.02.2007

19:00 Putovi na jug

Les routes du sud, 1978

21:00 Romantična Engleskinja

The Romantic Englishwoman, 1975

Utorak, 27.02.2007

19:00 Putovi na jug

Les routes du sud, 1978