
From 04.02.2014. To 23.12.2015.

Treći čovjek u posjeti Trećoj ženi

Treći čovjek u posjeti Trećoj ženi


Films in cycle

The Third Man

(Ujedinjeno Kraljevstvo, 1949 | Mjesto prikazivanja filma: Kino Forum (SD Stjepan Radić, Jarunska ul. 2))

Directed by: Carol Reed
PHOTOGRAPHY: Robert Krasker

American writer Holly Martin arrives to post-war Vienna so as to meet with his old friend Lime, who has offered him a job. Upon his arrival he discovers that Lime had died several days before. At the funeral, Martin meets Major Calloway, officer of the British army and the actress Anna Schmidt. Calloway tells him that Lime was a cheap criminal. Martin starts his own investigation and quickly discovers that his friend Lime is very much alive... The Third Man is thought to be one of the best fi...

b/w, 104'
Wednesday 23.12.2015 AT 19:00
Sunday 20.12.2015 AT 21:00
Wednesday 05.02.2014 AT 21:00
Tuesday 04.02.2014 AT 18:00

Treća žena


Directed by: Zoran Tadić
PHOTOGRAPHY: Goran Trbuljak

Film takes place in the late fall of 1991 and early 1992 in a warlike atmosphere of blackouts and alerts. This dull and almost ominous milieu is inhabited by strange characters entangled in an intriguing story of human organ trafficking (extracted from recently-killed soldiers on the battlefield)… The film is an homage to one of the most famous films of all time, The Third Man by Carol Reed. Post-war Vienna is replaced by Zagreb at the time of domestic war. Faces, situations, plot, a...

Super 16mm Kodak, b/w, 103 min
Wednesday 05.02.2014 AT 19:00
Tuesday 04.02.2014 AT 21:00
See full programe