From 15.10.2019. To 24.05.2022.

Filmski kurikulum

Zoran Tadić

02.09.1941, Livno, Bosnia and Herzegovina - 09.09.2007, Zagreb, Croatia

U sjeni društveno istaknutijih Lordana Zafranovića i Rajka Grlića, Zoran Tadić izrastao je u najzanimljivijeg i od kritike najcjenjenijeg hrvatskog autora osamdesetih godina.


Tadić studied comparative literature and philosophy at the Faculty of Philosophy in Zagreb. He started working on film in 1961, first as a critic and publicist, and then as assistant, that is to say, assistant director and co-screenplay writer. In 1968, he started directing on his own. He directed 10 short meters, and numerous (about sixty titles) television documentaries,
feature and low-budget films. He also worked on ordered, that is to say, promotional films. Ritam zločina (1981) was his feature film directorial debut. It is also probably the best film in his opus. So far he has directed eight feature films: Ritam zločina (1981), Treći ključ (1983), San o ruži (1986), Osuđeni (1987), The Man Who Loved Funerals (1989), Eagle (1990), The Third Woman(1997), Ne daj se, Floki (2000). His work characterizes regular cooperation with a steady cast, starting with scriptwriter Pavao Pavličić, cameraman Goran Trbuljak, actor Fabian Šovagović, and supporting actors Tomislav Gotovac and Srećko Jurdana. Zoran Tadić won awards both at home and abroad. He worked as associate professor at the Academy of Dramatic Arts in Zagreb.


Ne daj se, Floki (TV series / feature film) (2000)
The Third Woman (Treća žena, 1997.)
Eagle (Orao, 1990.)
The Man Who Loved Funerals (Čovjek koji je volio sprovode, 1989.),
Osuđeni (1987.),
San o ruži (1986.)
Treći ključ (1983.)
Nepokoreni grad (TV series; 2 episodes) (1981)
Ritam zločina (1981.),
Kašinska 6 (documentary) (1981)
Preporuča se za realizaciju (documentary) (1978)
Zemlja (documentary) (1975.)
Dernck (documentary) (1974.)
Pletenice (documentary) (1973.)
Druge (documentary) (1972.)
Kazivanje Ivice Štefanca, mlinara (documentary) (1973.)
Poštar s kamenjara (documentary) (1971.)
Amerikanka (documentary) (1970.)
Hitch ... Hitch ... Hitchcock! (documentary) (1968.)

Films by this director

Rhythm of a Crime

(Yugoslavia, Centar film Beograd, Televizija Zagreb, 1981)

Directed by: Zoran Tadić
PHOTOGRAPHY: Goran Trbuljak

In the Zagreb quarter of Trnje, old houses are being torn down to make room for concrete giants. The owner of a house on the list for demolition has a tenant obsessed with crime statistics, and his hobby is accurately calculating the possibility of the occurrence of new criminal deeds. His premonitions come true. Soon, he discovers an anomaly in the rhythm of crime and foresees his own death. It is a landmark film for the Croatian cinema of the eighties that became a cult hit. The film has engl...

b/w, 35 mm, 89'

Dreaming the Rose


Directed by: Zoran Tadić
PHOTOGRAPHY: Goran Trbuljak

Valent, a worker, witnesses a crime. At the same time, he gets his hands on a large amount of money that would solve many of his family’s problems; they often cannot afford a decent meal. The film was screened at the 1986 Pula film festival, and many considered it that year's best.

color, 87 min



Directed by: Zoran Tadić
PHOTOGRAPHY: Dragan Ruljančić

It is a story about an individual battle for justice. It revolves around an unjustly convicted man released from prison, who kidnaps the judge and the public prosecutor and takes them away to an isolated house far from the city... The film has all the traits of Tadić's handwriting, follows the principles set down in Ritam zločina (like all his eighties films), and is particularly esteemed by film lovers.

color, 104 min

The Man Who Loved Funerals

(Yugoslavia, 1989)

Directed by: Zoran Tadić
PHOTOGRAPHY: Goran Trbuljak

A story about a series of intriguing deaths that shook a small town near Zagreb (Samobor)... This was Tadić’s last film made in the eighties, and it established him as one of the most interesting and most fruitful authors of the 1980s.  

color, 100'



Directed by: Zoran Tadić
PHOTOGRAPHY: Goran Trbuljak

Radovan Orlak Orao fell off a skyscraper on the day when four of his old friends waited for him to celebrate his birthday. They had been friends since childhood, but now at middle age they see each other only occasionally. Faced with the fact that they actually knew very little about their friend’s recent life, they start meeting more regularly and try to find out the circumstances that led to Orao’s suicide or possibly even murder…

color, 35 mm, 85 min

Treća žena


Directed by: Zoran Tadić
PHOTOGRAPHY: Goran Trbuljak

Film takes place in the late fall of 1991 and early 1992 in a warlike atmosphere of blackouts and alerts. This dull and almost ominous milieu is inhabited by strange characters entangled in an intriguing story of human organ trafficking (extracted from recently-killed soldiers on the battlefield)… The film is an homage to one of the most famous films of all time, The Third Man by Carol Reed. Post-war Vienna is replaced by Zagreb at the time of domestic war. Faces, situations, plot, a...

Super 16mm Kodak, b/w, 103 min

Ne daj se, Floki

(Croatia, 2000)

Directed by: Zoran Tadić
PHOTOGRAPHY: Dragan Ruljančić

In a new suburban community, a stray dog aspires to become a housedog. However, it is a long road towards the fulfillment of his wish because not all the tenants of the building feel the same about pets. Little Jura eagerly wants Floki, and through a series of adventures reveals different characters of his grown-up neighbors. Eventually, he fulfills his wish and keeps the dog…

digital, color, age: 6+, 88 min

Treći ključ


Directed by: Zoran Tadić
PHOTOGRAPHY: Goran Trbuljak

A young couple, after a long time of waiting, moves in their new apartment. From the very beginning, odd things start to happen - there are weird unknown people around the building and during the night someone tries to break into their apartment. The young couple gets scared. Soon they receive a large amount of money from an unknown sender. This is the second feature film by Zoran Tadić, characterized by an increased dose of mystery on the verge of horror.

color, 35 mm, 81 min



Directed by: Zoran Tadić
PHOTOGRAPHY: Željko Guberović

Između 31. listopada i 2. studenog mladić autom kreće iz Münchena u Prisiku kod Aržana, sudjeluje na derneku i vraća se natrag na posao u Njemačku.

12 min

Hitch Hitch Hitchcock


Directed by: Zoran Tadić

Hitch….Hitch….Hitchcock …. je eksperimentalno-animirani kolaž motiviran likom i filmskim djelom Tadićeva uzora Alfreda Hitchcocka, sastavljen od redateljevih fotografija i prizora iz njegovih filmova.

7 minuta



Directed by: Zoran Tadić
PHOTOGRAPHY: Jessica Horvat

Dokumentarni film o Amerikanki Ann koja dolazi na Omladinsku radnu akciju Sava 1970. U prvom kadru pojavljuje se sam redatelj filma, koji u kratkoj najavi, izravno u kameru objašnjava kratku pretpovijest filma i, napokon, zašto i kako taj film ima temu i oblik kakav će gledatelji vidjeti. Riječ je o dokumentarcu snimljenom metodom intervjua u kojem protagonistica govori o svom podrijetlu, putovanjima i razlozima dolaska u Zagreb. Povremeno se pitanjima, izvan kadra, i sam redatelj filma upliće...

b/w, 12'40''


(SDF, Zagreb film, 1974)

Directed by: Zoran Tadić
PHOTOGRAPHY: Zelimir Guberović

Služeći se metodom promatranja, film opisuje pletenje pletenica, tradicionalni način oblikovanja kose među ženama u selima Dalmatinske zagore. U film su umetnuti i prizori radova u polju. Pletenice su tipičan minimalistički dokumentarac Zorana Tadića. Zahvaljujući svođenju dokumentarne strukture na prizore kreiranja pletenica i poljskih radova, te dvije vrste radnji dobile su metaforički smisao. Postale su metafore životnih opreka. Ključne metaforičke opreke su one između intimnog i vanjskog...

b/w, digital restauracija, 11'

Kašinska 6


Directed by: Zoran Tadić
PHOTOGRAPHY: Goran Trbuljak

Prikazuje se iseljavanje i rušenje kuće u Kašinskoj ulici (Trnje, Zagreb) dana 7. listopada 1981. godine. Stari grad polako nestaje. Produkcija: Zagreb film

color, 16 mm, 9 min


(Zagreb film/SDF, Croatia, 1972)

Directed by: Zoran Tadić
PHOTOGRAPHY: Željko Guberović

Studija skromnog života starica koje svoj životni prostor dijele s domaćim životinjama, ovcama i kozama. Pripremanje kruha, kuhanje vode i hrane… svakodnevica ljudskog bića kojem je najbliži stvor – životinja. Sjajan Tadićev dokumentarac, napravljen u formi tzv. čistog filma, upotrebljava minimum stilskih sredstava da bi iz kadrova „prizemnog“ seoskog života izvukao maksimum informativnosti, poetske ljepote i emocionalne ode prijateljstvu u nevolji. Film je osvojio Zlat...

b/w, digital restauracija, 12'
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