Fariborz Kamkari
02.09.1982, Iran, 1971

Screenwriter and director, he graduated in directing from the University of Teheran. He gained additional education in Amsterdam focusing on screenwriting. He directed several short features and wrote screenplays for several Iranian directors and finally made his own directing debut with the feature experimental drama Ravayate Makhdush (Black Tape, 2002) that was banned in Iran. Afterwards he directed the crime drama The Forbidden Chapter (2006) and the drama The Flowers of Kirkuk (Golakani Kirkuk , 2010), recently shown in Tuškancu, that portrays the persecution of Kurds through a love story. His somewhat lighter film is the comedy Pitza e datteri (2015) that was filmed in Venice. His last film is the documentary Acqua e zucchero: Carlo Di Palma, i colori della vita (2016) about the life and work of the famous Italian cinematographer Carlo Di Palma, produced by his widow Adriana Chiese Di Palma.