From 15.10.2019. To 24.05.2022.

Filmski kurikulum

Lola Amaria

30.07.1977, Jakarta, Indonesia



Amaria is an actress, director and screenwriter. She started to act in 2002 and then made her debut as a director with Betina (2006). Afterwards she directed the drama Minggu pagi di Victoria Park (Sunday Morning in Victoria Park, 2010), and then produced and directed one part of the omnibus by different directors Sanubari Jakarta (2012). Besides directing and producing she also writes screenplays – for the comedy Negeri Tanpa Telinga (A Country without Ears, 2014) and drama Jingga (Orange, 2016) about four teenagers with visual impairment. Her last film is the drama Labuan Hati (Port of Hearts, 2017).


Films by this director

Port of Hearts

(Labuan Hati, Indonesia, 2017)

Directed by: Lola Amaria
PHOTOGRAPHY: Sony Seniawan

Three young women arrive to the island Komodo where they are learning to dive with the instructor Mahesa. Ever since she became a mother Bia has not been by the sea as well as dived. Indi is engaged and this will be her last time to dive before marriage. Maria, who works as a tourist guide, also likes to dive. Two years ago her boyfriend left her and she still blames herself. Soon, the women become friends but also there is growing sense of competitiveness in front of Mahesa.

color, digital, 96 min
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