From 07.10.2023. To 29.07.2024.

Filmovi koje volite

Slobodan Šijan

16.11.1946, Belgrade, Serbia, Socialist Federal Republic of Yugoslavia



Srpski redatelj, scenarist, filmski kritičar i slikar. Diplomirao je slikarstvo na Akademiji likovnih umjetnosti u Beogradu i bavio se likovnom umjetnosti od 1965. do 1980. godine. Diplomirao je i filmsku režiju na beogradskom Fakultetu dramskih umjetnosti, a prvi su mu radovi eksperimentalni filmovi. Od sredine do kraja sedamdesetih snimao je kratke i srednjemetražne filmove za televiziju. Njegov prvi film za veliko platno, komedija Ko to tamo peva (1980.), postigla je golemu  popularnost. Još veći uspjeh postiže idućim, također komedijom Maratonci trče počasni krug (1982.). Oba je ostvario u suradnji sa scenaristom Dušanom Kovačevićem. Kako sam sistematski uništen od idiota (1983.) snimio je prema romanu i scenariju Mome Dimića, a uslijedila je kombinacija komedije i trilera Davitelj protiv davitelja (1984.). U međunarodnoj koprodukciji snima ponovo komediju Tajna manastirske rakije (1988.), no film ne prolazi uspješno. Nakon stanke od čak petnaest godina snima Siroti mali hrčki 2010 (2003.) i potom S. O. S. - Spasite naše duše (2007.) no ne uspijeva privući pažnju publike i kritike. Osim režije, objavljivao je tekstove o filmu i priredio knjige o domaćim i stranim filmskim redateljima. Početkom devedesetih bio je direktor Jugoslavenske kinoteke. Profesor je filmske režije na Fakultetu dramskih umjetnosti i na Akademiji umjetnosti Braća Karić u Beogradu, a neko je vrijeme bio gostujući profesor na filmskoj školi sveučilišta Loyola Marymount u Los Angelesu.


Films by this director

How I Was Systematically Destroyed by an Idiot


Directed by: Slobodan Šijan
PHOTOGRAPHY: Milorad Glušica

Babi Papuška is a homeless drifter and hypochondriac, bitter at the world, especially his former boss whom he blames for his sorrows. Nevertheless, he is a well-read and avid Marxist currently coping with the news of Che Guevara’s death. Wanting a revolution himself, he starts to travel around Serbia preaching about his ideals, only to find himself ridiculed and misunderstood.

35 mm, color, 98 min

Who's Singin' Over There

(Yugoslavia, 1980)

Directed by: Slobodan Šijan
PHOTOGRAPHY: Božidar 'Bota' Nikolić

This Serbian comedy became a cult film over time and it is an allegory about philistines and the collapse of the Kingdom of Yugoslavia. In a village in Serbia, two Roma men enter an old bus on the way to Belgrade. Bus is owned and operated by a family: father Krstić is the conductor and his son Miško the driver. Other travelers include a singer out of tune, the distinguished Mr. Brka, one sick man, a war veteran and a hunter. They are joined on this road trip full of planned and unplanned events...

color, 86 min

The Marathon Family

(Serbia, 1982)

Directed by: Slobodan Šijan
PHOTOGRAPHY: Božidar 'Bota' Nikolić

Topalović family consists of six living generations of male descendants who are all in the mortician business. The only rebel in the family is the youngest Mirko who does not want to continue the family tradition. His father Laki, grandpa Milutin, rheumatic great grandpa Aksentije, dumb and almost completely deaf great-great grandpa Maksimilijana bound to a wheelchair and great-great-great grandpa Pantelija who is very sick are all appalled. Mirko is in love with Kristina, daughter of a local cr...

35 mm, color, 92 min

Strangler vs. Strangler

(Yugoslavia, 1984)

Directed by: Slobodan Šijan
PHOTOGRAPHY: Milorad Glušica

This is a horror comedy in which Belgrade becomes a true metropolis when it finally gets its own seral killer: the Strangler. He is the middle aged florist Pera Mitić who cannot sell as many carnations as his demanding mother would like. He finally snaps under pressure and starts killing women who don’t like carnations. Local rock singer thinks he has a direct telepathic connection to the killer and the neurotic police inspector is doing his best to capture the killer.

color, 93’

Šta se dogodilo sa Filipom Preradovićem

(Yugoslavia, 1977)

Directed by: Slobodan Šijan
PHOTOGRAPHY: Božidar 'Bota' Nikolić

U malom vojvođanskom mjestu nestao je mladić Filip Preradović. Kreće potraga za njim, a svatko o njemu ima drugačije mišljenje, počevši od njegova oca do žene koju je volio… Nakon završetka studija filmske i televizijske režije, Slobodan Šijan (Ko to tamo peva, Maratonci trče počasni krug, Davitelj protiv davitelja) karijeru je započeo televizijskim radovima. Prve tv-uratke snimio je prema scenarijima velikih pjesnika Vaska Pope i Branka Miljkovića te najugled...

color, 45'
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