feature film, 2007.
DIRECTED BY: Ayelet Menahemi

Mili Avital (Miri Calderone),
BaoQi Chen (Noodle),
Alon Aboutboul (Izzy Sason),
Anat Waxman (Gila Sason)
Shemi Zarhin,
Ayelet Menahemi
Itzik Portal
Miri is a thirty-seven year old flight attendant and a two-time widow who has had two husbands die at war. One day she returns home to find her Chinese housekeeper’s son, left behind while his mother goes out to run an errand. When the housekeeper does not return or answer her phone, Miri suspects she has been deported. With her sister Gila and brother-in-law Izzy’s help, Miri tries to return the boy to his mother. Further complicating matters, the boy speaks only Chinese.
color, 90 min