Luchino Visconti

02.11.1906, Milan, Italy - 17.03.1976, Rome, Italy



Luchino Visconti (November 2, 1906, Milan – March 17, 1976, Rome) was an Italian director and screenwriter, descending from an aristocratic Milan family. At age thirty, he moved to Paris and started to mingle in artistic circles (theatre, film). He worked as an assistant to the great Jean Renoir on his films Les bas-fonds (1936), Partie de campagne, (1936-40, unfinished), and La Tosca (1940). He made his directorial debut with the film Ossessione (1942), adapted from the novel The Postman Always Rings Twice
by J. Crain. After WW II, he worked in theatre, and in 1948 he made the film The Earth Trembles (La Terra trema, 1948), which is an important neorealist piece. From the mid 1950s until the end of his career he worked in both theatre and film. During this period, he realized many esteemed films – Bellissima (1951), Senso (1954), White Nights (Le Notte bianche, 1957), Rocco and His Brothers(Rocco e i suoi fratelli, 1960) The Leopard (Il Gattopardo, 1963), Of a Thousand Delights (Vaghe stelle dell'Orsa, 1965), The Witches (Lo Straniero, 1967) and The
Damned (La Catuda degli dei, 1969). In 1971, he made his famous film Death in Venice (Morte a Venezia). Afterwards he made the TV series Ludwig (1973) and the film Conversation Piece (Gruppo di famiglia in un interno, 1974). He died while working on his last film The Innocent (L'Innocente, 1976), which was finished by the editor Ruggero Mastroianni.


L' Innocente (1976)
Gruppo di famiglia in un interno (1974)
Ludwig (TV-series) (1972)
Morte a Venezia (1971)
La Caduta degli dei (1969)
Lo Straniero (1967)
Le Streghe (omnibus, part: La Strega bruciata viva) (1967)
Vaghe stelle dell'Orsa (1965)
Il Gattopardo (1963)
Boccaccio 70 (omnibus, part: Il lavoro) (1962)
Rocco e i suoi fratelli (1960)
Le Notte bianche (1957)
Senso (1954)
Siamo donne (omnibus, part: Anna Magnani) (1953)
Bellissima (1951)
La Terra trema (1948)
Giorni di gloria (documentary, co-director) (1945)
Ossessione (1942)

Films by this director

The Earth Trembles

(La terra trema, Italy, 1948)

Directed by: Luchino Visconti
PHOTOGRAPHY: Aldo Graziati

This is a contemporary interpretation of the novel Porodica Malavoglia by Verga, planned as the first part of a trilogy (due to its commercial failure the other two parts were never made). The Earth Trembles is the story of exploited fishermen from Sicily who are forced to migrate to richer northern Italy. The plot in this film is subtle and sometimes the film seems more like a sequence of fragments from people’s lives (although very compactly structured). It was shot with unprofessional actor...

b/w, 160'


(Bellissima, Italy, 1951)

Directed by: Luchino Visconti
PHOTOGRAPHY: Piero Portalupi, Paul Ronald

Slavni redatelj dolazi u grad u potrazi za novim licem, djevojčicom, za novi film. Siromašna majka odvodi svoju kćer na audiciju, nadajući se da će baš ona biti izabrana i da će tako postati zvijezda... Film je sociološko-psihološka studija i karaktera i društvenih prilika ili kako je to sam Visconti govorio priča o krizi.

b/w, 108'


(Italy, 1954)

Directed by: Luchino Visconti
PHOTOGRAPHY: G.R. Aldo, Robert Krasker

Radnja filma smještena je u Italiju u doba austrijske okupacije. Venecijanska grofica Livia Serpieri, patriotkinja, napušta muža zbog austrijskog oficira Franza Mahlera. No, uskoro uviđa da je Mahler zainteresiran samo za njen imetak. Njezina osveta je brza i odlučna... Freska zbivanja i snažnih emocija iz doba talijanskog Risorgimenta, djelo koje zauzima posebno mjesto u povijesti talijanskog i europskog filma.

color, 123'

Rocco and His Brothers

(Rocco e i suoi fratelli, Italy, France, 1960 | Mjesto prikazivanja filma: Centar za kulturu Histrionski dom (Ilica 90))

Directed by: Luchino Visconti
PHOTOGRAPHY: Giuseppe Rotunno

his story is about a poor family from a village in south Italy whose search for a better life leads them to Milan. The proud Rosaria Parondi, after her husband’s death, arrives at the big city with her four sons - Rocco, Simon, Luca and Ciro. The oldest brother Vincenzo awaits them in Milan. The film depicts their acclimatization to the big city, their personal dramas, and the different paths their lives take… This film was very popular among the working class while the critics were...

b/w, 179'

The Leopard

(Il gattopardo, Italy, France, 1963)

Directed by: Luchino Visconti
PHOTOGRAPHY: Giuseppe Rotunno

The story takes place after the Italian Risorgimento. Wealthy Don Fabrizio Salina experiences a breakdown of his power and influence, degradation of his morale and all other symptoms of the vanishing of his class from the historical scene. He is frustrated with his inability to stop it from happening… The film won a Palme d’Or at the Cannes film festival.

color, 186'

Of a Thousand Delights

(Vaghe stelle dell'orsa, 1965)

Directed by: Luchino Visconti
PHOTOGRAPHY: Armando Nannuzzi

A young Italian, Sandra, together with her American husband, Andrew, returns to her hometown, Volterra. She is there to pay her respects to her father, who was killed by the Nazis. Andrew meets his wife’s brother Gianni for the first time. Soon, he notices that brother and sister have a strange relationship and share a secret… This highly praised film won the Golden Lion at the Venice film festival.

b/w, 95 min

The Damned

(La caduta degli dei AKA Götterdämmerung, Italy, West Germany, 1969)

Directed by: Luchino Visconti
PHOTOGRAPHY: Pasqualino De Santis, Armando Nannuzzi

This is a story of the rise and fall of industrialist Von Essenbeck’s, (alluding to the Krupps’) family. The head of the family is Konstantin Von Essenbeck, whose daughter Sophia asks him to let her lover, Nazi sympathizer Frederick Bruckman, take over the family’s company. After Konstantin’s death, that is what happens. Martin, Konstantin’s teenage son is a drug addict and has an incestuous relationship with his mother, who also becomes addicted to drugs. In the constant pursuit to...

color, 156'

Conversation Piece

(Gruppo di famiglia in un interno, 1974)

Directed by: Luchino Visconti
PHOTOGRAPHY: Pasqualino De Santis

An American professor leads a quiet life in his house in Rome. He is disturbed when a decadent family moves into the apartment above him… This film won many awards such as the most important Italian film award David di Donatello in the category of the best film.

color, 121 min

White Nights

(Le notti bianche, Italy, France, 1957)

Directed by: Luchino Visconti
PHOTOGRAPHY: Giuseppe Rotunno

Mario, a shy young man who has just moved to Venice, meets Natalia on a bridge. Even though it is not certain that her lover will return, she spends her days hoping to see him again, which hinders the relationship between Mario and her. This is a film version of Dostoyevski’s short story by the same name.

b/w, 97'

Death in Venice

(Morte a Venezia, Italy, France, 1971)

Directed by: Luchino Visconti
PHOTOGRAPHY: Pasqualino De Santis

Skladatelj Gustav von Aschenbach, ozbiljan srčani bolesnik, dolazi u Veneciju na odmor. Odsjeda u luksuznom Grand Hotel des Bains na Lidu i tamo uoči privlačnog poljskog adolescenta Tadzija koji je sa svojom obitelji odsjeo u istom hotelu. Aschenbach je fasciniran Tadzijevom ljepotom i iako ne uspostavlja izravan kontakt s mladićem osjeća se osvježenim i pomlađenim usred grada kojim je zavladala epidemija kolere, ali lokalne vlasti to skrivaju da se turisti od kojih žive ne bi razbježali…...

color, 130'


(Italy, France, 1976)

Directed by: Luchino Visconti
PHOTOGRAPHY: Pasqualino De Santis

Rim krajem 19. stoljeća. Tullio Hermil bogati je aristokrat u braku sa suprugom Giullianom koju zanemaruje zbog posesivne ljubavnice Terese Raffo. U njemu se pobudi novi erotski interes za suprugu, a splasne želja za Teresom kad shvati koliko je Giulliana sretna otkad je počela ljubavnu vezu s romanopiscem Filippom D'Arboriom, s kojim naposljetku ostane trudna. Tullio je požuruje da napravi pobačaj, ali ona odbija to učiniti. U međuvremenu D'Arborio se razboli od tropske groznice…...

color, 112'


(Ossessione, Italy, 1943)

Directed by: Luchino Visconti
PHOTOGRAPHY: Domenico Scala, Aldo Tonti

Lutalica Gino Costa stiže u seosku gostionicu gdje upoznaje Giovannu, suprugu gostioničara Giuseppea Bragane. I Gino i Giovanna ljudi su bez nade, a ona uz to i zanemarena od sirovog supruga, te osjete međusobnu privlačnost koja preraste u ljubav. Međutim Gino ne vjeruje u budućnost tog odnosa te odlazi, ali ga Giuseppe, koja ne zna da su njegova supruga i Gino ljubavnici, nagovori da se vrati. Veza Gina i Giovanne postaje sve strastvenija te njih dvoje odluče ubiti Giuseppea. Gina ipak muči gri...

b/w, 140'
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