From 15.06. To 24.09.2023.

KinoKino već niz godina predstavlja filmske klasike mladoj publici s ciljem da ih potakne na daljnje istraživanje i upoznavanje bogate filmske povijesti.
Films in cycle
Aniki Bóbó
(Portugal, 1942)
Directed by: Manoel de Oliveira
PHOTOGRAPHY: António Mendes
U svojem dugometražnom prvijencu slavni portugalski redatelj Manoel de Oliveria oslikava ulice Porta iz očišta dječjeg svijeta igre i ljubavi. Priča se odvija na starim ulicama Porta i na obalama rijeke Douro.Grupa vrlo male djece upravo je prihvatila novog člana, Carlitosa, sramežljivog dječaka koji je "igrao žestoko" ukravši lutku u trgovini. Carlitos se ubrzo zaljubi u Terezinhu, jedinu djevojku u grupi. Problem je u tome što je Eduardo, šef bande,...
b/w, 71'
Thursday 15.06.2023 AT 18:00
Dancing Queen
(Norway, 2023)
Directed by: Aurora Gossé
Unlike the dancing queen from ABBA's hit song of the same name, 12-year-old Mina Mørk can neither dance nor jive, let alone breakdance. And when a new student comes to her school, none other than the popular (and handsome!) hip hop dancer Edwin, better known by his stage name ED WIN, Mina will become painfully aware of this fact. However, Edwin will organize an audition for his new dance group, and the lack of dancing skills will not prevent Mina, who is head over heels in love, from...
color, 92'
Sunday 10.09.2023 AT 17:00
Vald's story
(Llenos de gracia, Spain, 2022)
Directed by: Roberto Bueso
PHOTOGRAPHY: Victor Entrecanales
It is the summer of 1994. All eyes are on the green soccer fields. In the midst of the feverish global euphoria that follows the World Cup, a completely unusual nun - Sister Marina - arrives at a boarding school for children without families located in the heart of Spain. The boys welcome her with a bunch of bad things ("lions in the zoo", as Marina calls them); they steal groceries from neighborhood stores, fight with local kids and drive their parents crazy. But despite that and the...