From 01.07. To 31.07.2023.

Road movie

Road movie

The cycle 'Road film' introduces different cinematography and author's approaches in which the road is the main, but not the only common denominator, and will be shown throughout July and will provide an overview of contemporary and cult films of different genres and styles of an already almost cult genre that mostly take place on a journey - be it symbolic or literal.

Although typical for American cinematography, throughout July we will also travel through French, Swedish, Danish, Italian and Croatian film roads.

Tickets for screenings from the Film Road cycle can be purchased HERE.

Films in cycle


(USA, 1973)

Directed by: Terrence Malick
PHOTOGRAPHY: Tak Fujimoto, Stevan Larner, Brian Probyn

Dok tijekom prve polovine 70-ih godina kao smetlar radi u jednom gradiću u Južnoj Dakoti, siromašni Kit Carruthers jednog dana na ulici upozna srednjoškolku Holly Sargis, 15-godišnjakinju koja živi s ocem, odveć posesivnim slikarom reklama koji je kći sam podigao nakon smrti supruge. Holly je osamljena i povučena djevojka koja se počne družiti s deset godina starijim Kitom, da bi s mladićem neobična ponašanja koji joj se sviđa ubrzo započela ljubavnu vezu. Iako od nj...

color, 93'
Saturday 01.07.2023 AT 21:00

The Adventures of Priscilla, Queen of the Desert

(Australija, 1994)

Directed by: Stephan Elliot
PHOTOGRAPHY: Brian J. Breheny

Australia during the first half of the 90s of the last century. Anthony ´Tick´ Belrose is a transvestite with the stage name Mitzi Del Bra, who with colleagues and friends Felicia Jollygoodfellow and Bernadette Bassenger earns a living performing in a transvestite bar in Sydney. Mitzi and Felicia, also known as Adam Whitely, and Bernadette, a transgender person, realize that their work is not going well, and they hope for something better. The opportunity to do better will come in t...

color, 104'
Sunday 02.07.2023 AT 21:00

Jedno malo putovanje


Directed by: Krsto Papić

Kratki dokumentarac prati skupinu provincijskih školaraca na njihovoj ekskurziji u glavnom gradu te posjet koncertu Zagrebačke filharmonije u Dvorani Vatroslava Lisinskog.

color, 15'
Tuesday 04.07.2023 AT 21:00

66 scener fra Amerika

(Denmark, 1982)

Directed by: Jørgen Leth

At the beginning of the 80s of the last century, the distinguished Danish documentarian, anthropologist, prose writer and poet Jørgen Leth went to the United States with the respected Swedish videographer Dan Holmberg. At that time, it seemed that they were experiencing a renaissance, and the two filmmakers wanted to document the American reality of that time. But not only that, but also your impressions of that reality, certain events, cities, some recognizable 'American' pop-cul...

color, 42'
Tuesday 04.07.2023 AT 21:00

Short Trip

(Kratki izlet, Croatia, 2017)

Directed by: Igor Bezinović
PHOTOGRAPHY: Danko Vučinović

Stola is a man on the threshold of middle age who tells about what happened to him and a group of his friends and acquaintances one summer a few years ago. That late July, they found themselves at the Motovun Film Festival, where all their days seemed like a continuous party. And then Stola's friend Roko suggested to them one evening, somewhat under the influence of alcohol, that the next morning they go on a bus trip to a nearby monastery, where supposedly the most beautiful frescoes in Ist...

color, 75'
Wednesday 05.07.2023 AT 21:00

Lost in America

(USA, 1985)

Directed by: Albert Brooks
PHOTOGRAPHY: Eric Saarinen

A typical American suburb in the mid-80s of the last century. After missing out on the expected promotion, young marketing expert David Howard quits his job at the agency where he had been working in disappointment. Encouraged by this, he concludes that both he and his wife Linda are tired of the certainly comfortable, but also monotonous and empty everyday life in a supposedly idyllic environment, and manages to persuade his "better half" to sell all their property and the crane to tr...

color, 91
Thursday 06.07.2023 AT 21:00

Thelma & Louise


Directed by: Ridley Scott
PHOTOGRAPHY: Adrian Biddle

Thelma Dickinson is an early middle-aged woman, a housewife from a country somewhere in Arkansas married to a rough carpet salesman Darryl who emotionally abuses her. Her slightly older friend Louise Sawyer is a sharp-tongued waitress who works in a diner and is not particularly happy with her relationship with musician Jimmy, who spends most of his time on the road. When one weekend they decide to take Louise's Ford Thunderbird convertible to a fishing cabin in the mountains and get away fr...

color, 130'
Friday 07.07.2023 AT 21:00

Paris, Texas

(France, West Germany, 1984)

Directed by: Wim Wenders

Wandering alone in the desert regions of South Texas, a man dressed in a dusty suit and with a red cap on his head, in search of water, enters a dilapidated bar. When he doesn't find her, he puts a handful of ice from the refrigerator in his mouth and passes out from the heat. And when the doctor soon asks him certain questions, the man's answer will be silence. However, the doctor finds the phone number of his brother Walt, who agrees to come pick him up during the conversation and dis...

color, 147'
Saturday 08.07.2023 AT 21:00

Dumb and Dumber


Directed by: Peter Farrelly

Limousine driver Lloyd Christmas and traveling dog grooming salon manager Harry Dunne are best friends, but also quite peculiar fellows. Both of them live in the city of Providence, Rhode Island, neither of them can be said to be particularly bright, and what they have in common is a very unusual sense of humor. Lloyd and Harry are constantly pulling various pranks and up to some antics, and basically acting like immature and ill-mannered boys who are allowed to do anything. But when Lloyd rece...

color, 106'
Sunday 09.07.2023 AT 21:00

Grapes of Wrath

(USA, 1940)

Directed by: John Ford

Oklahoma in the era of the Great Depression. Tom Joad is released from prison and returns to the modest family estate. Through meeting former preacher Jim Casy, who lost his faith. There is no one left on the family property, and a neighbor tells them that the Joads were evicted from the property because they could no longer repay the loan. Tom reunited with his large family at his uncle's estate, and together, in an old car converted into a truck, they set off for California, hoping to find...

b/w, 129'
Tuesday 11.07.2023 AT 21:00

Diarios de Motocicleta

(Sjeverna and Južna Amerika, France, Germany, 2004)

Directed by: Walter Salles

Godine 1952., semestar prije no što će u Buenos Airesu u rodnoj Argentini steći diplomu liječnika, mladi Ernesto Guevara, koji je zbog grubog stila igranja ragbija stekao nadimak El Fuser, unatoč protivljenju roditelja koji su očekivali da se zaposli, odluči sa starim prijateljem Albertom Granadom krenuti na putovanje Južnom Amerikom. Granado je biokemičar, a osim što si obojica kao konačni cilj postave rad u koloniji gubavaca u Peruu, prije toga žele doživjeti što vi&scaro...

color, 126'
Wednesday 12.07.2023 AT 21:00

It Happened One Night

(USA, 1934)

Directed by: Frank Capra
PHOTOGRAPHY: Joseph Walker

Ellie Andrews is a young woman who secretly marries the snobbish airplane pilot King Westley. Her father dislikes it and gets the marriage annulled. Ellie runs away from her father’s yacht and goes to New York to meet King Westley. She trades her watch in a pawnshop and buys a bus ticket for the trip. Her father hires a detective to track her. On her travels, Ellie gets mugged and meets a journalist who promises to help her in exchange for her story.

b/w, 105'
Thursday 13.07.2023 AT 21:00

Natural Born Killers

(USA, 1994)

Directed by: Oliver Stone
PHOTOGRAPHY: Robert Richardson

Mladi Mickey Knox i njegova supruga Mallory zaustave se u restoranu pored ceste, smještenom negdje u pustinji Novog Meksika. Kad Mallory zapleše pored jukeboxa, dvojica lokalnih grubijana počet će ju provocirati seksualnim aluzijama. A kad njihove provokacije odu predaleko, ona će ih u tome najprije cinično ohrabrivati, da bi ubrzo počela mlatiti jednog od njih. Smjesta će joj se pridružiti Mickey, a posljedica svega bit će da će njih dvoje naposljetku vatrenim oružjem pobiti gotov...

color, 119'
Friday 14.07.2023 AT 21:00


(Yugoslavia, Jadran film, 1958 | Mjesto prikazivanja filma: Kulturno informativni centar KIC (Preradovićeva ul. 5))

Directed by: Nikola Tanhofer

This is an action drama/catastrophe film that tells the story of different people who travel on a bus and a truck driver. The bus and the truck will collide in a rainy night and only a few passengers will survive. H8, part of the license plate, is all that is known about the vehicle that caused this accident… According to many, this is the best film by Nikola Tanhofer. It won two Golden Arenas – for the best film and director – and the audience award Jelen at the Pula film festival.

b/w, 106'
Saturday 15.07.2023 AT 21:00

Two-Lane Blacktop

(USA, 1971)

Directed by: Monte Hellman

U SAD-u početkom 70-ih godina prošlog stoljeća, mladi Vozač i njegov najbolji prijatelj Mehaničar kao veliki zaljubljenici u automobilske utrke žive na ulici, u svom starom Chevroletu 150 iz 1955. godine putujući od grada do grada. Za život zarađujući tako da slučajne poznanike izazivaju na utrke, Vozač i Mehaničar u Kaliforniji upoznaju atraktivnu autostopisticu koja im se samoinicijativno pridruži na putovanju. Nedugo potom upoznaju i pasioniranog poklonika sportskih automobila zvanog...

color, 102'
Sunday 16.07.2023 AT 21:00

The Seventh Seal

(Det sjunde inseglet, Sweden, 1957)

Directed by: Ingmar Bergman
PHOTOGRAPHY: Gunnar Fischer

The setting is 14th century Sweden. Antonius Block, sobered up and disappointed knight returns after the Crusades. He meets Death who came to collect his life. He challenges it to a game of chess – if he loses Death takes him; if he wins, he will be spared. During the game he questions Death about God's existence…

b/w, 96'
Tuesday 18.07.2023 AT 21:00

The Passenger

(Professione: reporter, Italy, France, Spain, 1975)

Directed by: Michelangelo Antonioni
PHOTOGRAPHY: Luciano Tovoli

Želeći izvještavati o gerilskim borbama radikalnih pobunjenika protiv diktature u neimenovanoj državi sjeverne Afrike, cijenjeni televizijski reporter David Locke uspije se probiti kroz Saharu i dočepati izoliranog pustinjskog hotela. Ubrzo nakon što u susjednoj hotelskoj sobi upozna svog vršnjaka, zagonetnog Robertsona, i donekle se zbliži s njim, David iznenađen otkrije da je razgovorljivi trgovački putnik neočekivano umro. Shvativši da osim dobi s Robertsonom dije...

color, 126'
Monday 31.07.2023 AT 21:00
Wednesday 19.07.2023 AT 21:00

Two for the Road

(Ujedinjeno Kraljevstvo, 1967)

Directed by: Stanley Donen
PHOTOGRAPHY: Christopher Challis

London during the second half of the 60s of the last century. Architect Mark Wallace and his wife Joan decide to travel to France, on the Cote d'Azur, not only to meet there with Mark's wealthy client Maurice Dalbret, but also to try to overcome the crisis in which their marriage fell after 12 years of living together. Mark's task is that in St. Tropezu inspects the house he designed for Dalbret, but during the trip and stay on the idyllic Cote d'Azur, both he and Joan will rec...

color, 126'
Thursday 20.07.2023 AT 21:00

Week End

(France, 1967)

Directed by: Jean-Luc Godard
PHOTOGRAPHY: Raoul Coutard

Roland and Corinne Durand are a bourgeois married couple. He has a lover and she has a lover, and both plot against each other with the intention of killing the other. They set off on a trip to the countryside, towards Corinne's parents' house, to claim her dying father's life insurance, ready to kill her father if necessary. The road turns into picturesque chaos - first they come across a kilometer-long traffic jam due to a traffic accident, and after they manage to find a detour, t...

color, 97'
Friday 21.07.2023 AT 21:00

Easy Rider

(USA, 1969)

Directed by: Dennis Hopper
PHOTOGRAPHY: László Kovács

Dennis Hopper and Peter Fonda are hippie motorcyclists who smuggle cocaine from Mexico to Los Angeles. From the money they earned, they pay for a trip to New Orleans to visit Mardi Gras while on their way to Florida. On their travels, they meet a hitchhiker who takes them to a hippie commune. They end up in prison and an alcoholic lawyer named George bails them out. They become friends with George, who joins their travels…

b/w and color, 95'
Saturday 22.07.2023 AT 21:00

Journey to Italy

(Viaggio in Italia, Italy, France, 1954)

Directed by: Roberto Rossellini

Supružnici Katherine i Alexander 'Alex' Joyce iz Velike Britanije automobilom stižu u Italiju, s ciljem prikupljanja dokumentacije povezane s nasljeđivanjem atraktivne vile u blizini Napulja. Oni su dobrostojeći ljudi među kojima je odavno nestalo ljubavi i razumijevanja, pa dok nju zanimaju slikarstvo i poezija on je usmjeren isključivo na posao. Boravak u lijepoj, ali u razdoblju nakon Drugog svjetskog rata siromašnoj Italiji za oboje će predstavljati šok, pri čemu...

b/w, 97'
Sunday 23.07.2023 AT 21:00

Going Places

(Les valseuses, France, 1974)

Directed by: Bertrand Blier
PHOTOGRAPHY: Bruno Nuytten

Young Jean-Claude and his best friend Pierrot are quite bad guys, capricious and unpredictable criminals who in the French province during the first half of the 70s of the last century carry out various heinous acts and crimes. They travel to France in search of adventure, excitement and sex, and besides attacking and harassing women, they are intensely prone to theft and more serious crimes. But while they rob pedestrians or steal unattended vehicles, and while they get into and out of a lot o...

color, 118'
Tuesday 25.07.2023 AT 21:00


(Jadran film, 1969)

Directed by: Vatroslav Mimica
PHOTOGRAPHY: Frano Vodopivec

A grandfather and his 12-year-old grandson, who live in a secluded house, go to the fair to sell a horse. The path leads them through the forest, in which there is an atmosphere of some threatening foreboding. At the fair, the boy notices a girl, his age, who attracts his attention. After selling the horse, the grandfather catches the eye of the insidious bandit Matijević, who persuades the local lugar to follow him in order to get his money. The grandfather notices that they are being followed...

color, 35mm, 93'
Wednesday 26.07.2023 AT 21:00

Dirty Mary Crazy Larry

(USA, 1974)

Directed by: John Hough
PHOTOGRAPHY: Michael D. Margulies

The remarkable Larry Rayder is a passionate fan of powerful cars and crazy chases, who in the mid-70s of the last century would have liked to take part in the famous NASCAR races. He is an excellent driver, but he lacks a large sum of money in order to realize this wish. Therefore, Larry with his mechanic and friend Deke Summers decides to secure the money for participating in the races by robbing a supermarket run by family man George Stanton. Deke breaks into Stanton's home and takes his...

color, 93'
Thursday 27.07.2023 AT 21:00

The Brown Bunny

(USA, Japan, 2003)

Directed by: Vincent Gallo
PHOTOGRAPHY: Vincent Gallo

After finishing the race in the American state of New Hampshire on the east coast, motorcyclist Bud Clay starts his journey to the west coast, where he will participate in the next race. Bud is a lonely man who remembers his one true love, Daisy, and on his way to California he meets and befriends several women, but none of them can alleviate his alienation and sadness... Cult actor Vincent Gallo, the child of Italian parents from Sicily, began his artistic career during the 1980s as a painter...

color, 93'
Friday 28.07.2023 AT 21:00

My Own Private Idaho

(USA, 1991)

Directed by: Gus Van Sant
PHOTOGRAPHY: John J. Campbell, Eric Alan Edwards

Mike Waters is a young prostitute who suffers from narcolepsy, a sudden falling asleep. He is picked up from his favorite street spot to meet clients in Seattle by a rich older woman and taken to her lavish home, where there are already two other male prostitutes, one of whom is Mike's friend Scott Favor, the son of the mayor of Portland. While preparing for sex with the girl, Mike has another narcoleptic episode, and when he wakes up, he realizes that he is with Scott in Portland. There, th...

color, 104'
Saturday 29.07.2023 AT 21:00

Stand by Me

(USA, 1986 | Mjesto prikazivanja filma: Kino Forum (SD Stjepan Radić, Jarunska ul. 2))

Directed by: Rob Reiner
PHOTOGRAPHY: Thomas Del Ruth

Writer Gordon Lachance aka Gordie reads a newspaper article about a fatal murder. The victim is someone he knew, and he remembers the long-ago May Day weekend in 1959 when, as a 12-year-old boy, he, along with his best friend Chris Chambers and two other boys, Teddy Duchamp and Vern Tessia, set out to search for the body of the missing young man Ray Brower in a wooded area. along the railroad tracks near the small town of Castle Rock, Oregon... Stay With Me is one of the most cherished nostalgi...

color, 87'
Sunday 30.07.2023 AT 21:00
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