From 18.05. To 17.06.2020.

Online retrospektiva Ingmara Bergmana
Od 18. svibnja do 17. lipnja donosimo najiscrpniju online retrospektivu Ingmara Bergmana, najistaknutijeg švedskog redatelja i jedne od ključnih osobnosti svjetskog filma uopće, koji je tretiranjem svojih brojnih tematskih preokupacija stekao ugled vrhunskog majstora psihološkog filma.
Online program smo otvorili besplatnim prikazivanjem remek-djela Persona (1966), a u nastavku najiscrpnije hrvatske online retrospektive donosimo još ukupno 29 redateljskih ostvarenja Ingmara Bergmana.
Svaki dan tijekom mjesec dana prema rasporedu na web stranici kina u 20h bit će postavljen link na novi redateljev film koji će biti dostupan za gledanje 24h. Ukupno 10 filmova bit će dostupno za besplatno gledanje uz promo kod, dok će preostalih 20 filmova biti raspoloživo za gledanje uz naknadu od $2,99 (okvirne protuvrijednosti 20 kn) po filmu.
Gledanje je moguće bilo gdje s područja Hrvatske (nije moguće gledati filmove iz inozemstva).
Svi filmovi imat će hrvatske podnaslove.
Upute za besplatno gledanje:
1) Na web stranici kina kliknite na ponuđeni film
2) Na stranici filma kliknite na video, na gore desno ponuđenu opciju RENT $2,99 (opcija dostupna samo za područje Hrvatske)
3) Logirajte se (ukoliko nemate Vimeo korisnički račun morate se registrirati)
4) Kliknite opciju RENT – APPLY PROMO CODE (ne upisujete podatke o kartici!)
5) Upišite promo kod (objavljujemo ih zasebno uz one filmove koji su besplatni) i potom kliknite APPLY i CONTINUE
7) Nakon prihvaćanja koda kliknite WATCH NOW i uživajte u filmu
Upute za gledanje uz naknadu:
1) Na web stranici kina kliknite na trenutno ponuđeni film
2) Na stranici filma kliknite na video, na gore desno ponuđenu opciju RENT $2,99 (opcija dostupna samo za područje Hrvatske)
3) Logirajte se (ukoliko nemate Vimeo korisnički račun morate se registrirati)
4) Unesite podatke o svojoj kreditnoj kartici ili platite Paypal računom
5) Kliknite opciju RENT (film možete gledati 24h od trenutka plaćanja)
6) Nakon provedbe plaćanja kliknite WATCH NOW i uživajte u filmu
Films in cycle
(Sweden, 1966 | Mjesto prikazivanja filma: Centar za kulturu i informacije Maksimir (ul. Lavoslava Švarca 18))
Directed by: Ingmar Bergman
Glumeći Elektru u novoj predstavi, ugledna kazališna glumica Elisabet Vogler usred predstave odjednom zanijemi. Kad dospije u bolnicu, skrb o njoj preuzima mlada medicinska sestra Alma, koja će ubrzo otkrije da Elisabet nije izgubila moć govora već je potpuno svjesno odlučila prestati govoriti. Dok bude skrbila o njoj, Alma će s Elisabet postupno razviti složen odnos... Psihološka drama s elementima horora u vrijeme premijere izazvala je brojne kontroverze zbo...
b/w, 84'
Monday 18.05.2020 AT 20:00
(Fängelse, Sweden, 1949)
Directed by: Ingmar Bergman
Film postaje dostupan za online prikazivanje u utorak 19. svibnja u 20 sati, a nakon toga ostaje dostupan još 24 sata. Film ima hrvatske podnaslove, a gledanje je moguće samo iz Hrvatske. Upute o gledanju filma preko Vimeo online platforme pogledajte na: LINK Nakon što bude otpušten iz psihijatrijske bolnice, sredovječni profesor matematike Paul stigne na set novog filma kojeg snima njegov nekadašnji učenik, redatelj Martin Grandé. Pa...
Tuesday 19.05.2020 AT 20:00
After the Rehearsal
(Efter repetitionen, Sweden, West Germany, 1984)
Directed by: Ingmar Bergman
Old stage director Henrik Vogler stays alone in the theatre one evening after the rehearsal of the play, A Dream Play. A young actress, Anna, who would like to be his lover joins him...
Wednesday 20.05.2020 AT 20:00
Wild Strawberries
(Smultronstället, Sweden, 1957)
Directed by: Ingmar Bergman
PHOTOGRAPHY: Gunnar Fischer
Professor Isak Borg travels by car from Stockholm to Lund where he is about to receive a life time achievement award. His daughter Marianne keeps him company. Soon Borg’s personal existential crisis flares up, stirred by his memories and dreams in which he confronts his past disappointments, missed opportunities, and problematic relationships with his siblings – son Evald and Borg’s mother. With this film, Victor Sjöström, one of the giants of Swedish cinema, directo...
b/w, 91'
Thursday 21.05.2020 AT 20:00
The Seventh Seal
(Det sjunde inseglet, Sweden, 1957)
Directed by: Ingmar Bergman
PHOTOGRAPHY: Gunnar Fischer
The setting is 14th century Sweden. Antonius Block, sobered up and disappointed knight returns after the Crusades. He meets Death who came to collect his life. He challenges it to a game of chess – if he loses Death takes him; if he wins, he will be spared. During the game he questions Death about God's existence…
b/w, 96'
Friday 22.05.2020 AT 20:00
Autumn sonata
(Höstsonaten, France, Germany, Sweden, UK, 1978)
Directed by: Ingmar Bergman
Eva, at first glance a satisfied wife of a village pastor in Norway, invites her mother Charlotte, an internationally renowned pianist, to come for a visit. She hopes to make peace with her after years of disagreement. But confronted with her mother, she bursts with rage she has kept locked in since childhood and accuses the mother of leaving her while she was still a child, performing at concerts and depriving her of maternal love...
Saturday 23.05.2020 AT 20:00
Three Strange Loves
(Törst, Sweden, 1949)
Directed by: Ingmar Bergman
Film postaje dostupan za besplatno online prikazivanje u nedjelju 24. svibnja u 20 sati, a nakon toga ostaje dostupan još 24 sata. Film ima hrvatske podnaslove, a gledanje je moguće samo iz Hrvatske. Promo kod za besplatno gledanje ovog filma glasi: ZedjFREE, a upute o gledanju filma preko Vimeo online platforme pogledajte na: LINK Godine 1946. nekad uspješna a sad neurotična balerina Rut i njezin suprug, uštogljeni profesor Bertil, nakon putovanja po j...
Sunday 24.05.2020 AT 20:00
Smiles of a Summer Night
(Sommarnattens leende, Sweden, 1955)
Directed by: Ingmar Bergman
A group of former, present, and future lovers gathers at the estate of the actress Desiree Armfeld's mother. The group consists of Frederik Egerman – Desiree's former lover, Anne –Frederik's 20-year old wife, still a virgin, Henrik – Frederik's son, theology student slightly younger than his fathers wife, count Malcolm – Desiree's present lover, and Charlotte – Malcolm's wife. In the course of a summer night Anne gets involved with Henrik, Frederik renews his romance with Desiree, an...
Monday 25.05.2020 AT 20:00
(Kris, Sweden, 1946)
Directed by: Ingmar Bergman
Film postaje dostupan za online prikazivanje u utorak 26. svibnja u 20 sati, a nakon toga ostaje dostupan još 24 sata. Film ima hrvatske podnaslove, a gledanje je moguće samo iz Hrvatske. Upute o gledanju filma preko Vimeo online platforme pogledajte na: LINK Sredovječna Ingeborg siromašna je, ali dobrodušna učiteljica glasovira koja u mirnom provincijskom gradiću živi sa svojom posvojenom kćerkom Nelly. Kad djevojka napuni osamnaest godina života,...
Tuesday 26.05.2020 AT 20:00
Summer Interlude
(Sommarlek, Sweden, 1951)
Directed by: Ingmar Bergman
Film postaje dostupan za besplatno online prikazivanje u srijedu 27. svibnja u 20 sati, a nakon toga ostaje dostupan još 24 sata. Film ima hrvatske podnaslove, a gledanje je moguće samo iz Hrvatske. Promo kod za besplatno gledanje glasi: IgraFREE Upute o gledanju filma preko Vimeo online platforme pogledajte na: LINK Mlada Marie je uspješna, ali emotivno pomalo hladna i distancirana primabalerina iz Stockholma, 28-godišnja djevojka koja u sklopu priprem...
Wednesday 27.05.2020 AT 20:00
From the Life of the Marionettes
(Aus dem Leben der Marionetten, West Germany, Sweden, 1980)
Directed by: Ingmar Bergman
Film postaje dostupan za online prikazivanje u četvrtak 28. svibnja u 20 sati, a nakon toga ostaje dostupan još 24 sata. Film ima hrvatske podnaslove, a gledanje je moguće samo iz Hrvatske. Upute o gledanju filma preko Vimeo online platforme pogledajte na: LINK Peter Egermann je naizgled sasvim prosječan obiteljski čovjek srednjih godina, u na prvi pogled idiličnom braku bez djece s brižnom Katarinom, sa zavidnom karijerom kojoj je u potpunosti posvećen te s krugom p...
Thursday 28.05.2020 AT 20:00
Fanny and Alexander
(Fanny och Alexander, 1982)
Directed by: Ingmar Bergman
The story of two children – a ten-year-old boy, Alexander, and his younger sister – descendants of a wealthy artistic family Ekhdal situated in provincial Sweden at the beginning of the 20th century. After a sudden death of their father, their mother decides to remarry. Fanny and Alexander have to move into the home of their rigid and heartless stepfather, Vergerus…
Friday 29.05.2020 AT 20:00
Through a Glass Darkly
(Såsom i en spegel, Sweden, 1961)
Directed by: Ingmar Bergman
Film postaje dostupan za besplatno online prikazivanje u subotu 30. svibnja u 20 sati, a nakon toga ostaje dostupan još 24 sata. Film ima hrvatske podnaslove, a gledanje je moguće samo iz Hrvatske. Promo kod za besplatno gledanje ovog filma glasi: OgledaloFREE Upute o gledanju filma preko Vimeo online platforme pogledajte na: LINK Mentalno nestabilna Karin upravo je izišla s liječenja u psihijatrijskoj bolnici, a želeći ubrzati svoje ozdravljenje odluči sa sup...
Saturday 30.05.2020 AT 20:00
Winter Light
(Nattvardsgästerna, Sweden, 1962)
Directed by: Ingmar Bergman
Film postaje dostupan za online prikazivanje u nedjelju 31. svibnja u 20 sati, a nakon toga ostaje dostupan još 24 sata. Film ima hrvatske podnaslove, a gledanje je moguće samo iz Hrvatske. Upute o gledanju filma preko Vimeo online platforme pogledajte na: LINK Požrtvovni Tomas Ericsson pastor je u malom švedskom provincijskom mjestu u kojemu ima sve manje stanovnika, pa i sve manje ljudi dolazi u mjesnu luteransku crkvu. Među ljudima koje svakodnevno susreće...
Sunday 31.05.2020 AT 20:00
To Joy
(Till glädje, Sweden, 1950)
Directed by: Ingmar Bergman
Film postaje dostupan za online prikazivanje u ponedjeljak 1. lipnja u 20 sati, a nakon toga ostaje dostupan još 24 sata. Film ima hrvatske podnaslove, a gledanje je moguće samo iz Hrvatske. Upute o gledanju filma preko Vimeo online platforme pogledajte na: LINK Plaha violinistica Marta Olsson jedina je žena u drugorazrednom provincijskom orkestru u kojem svira i neurotični, nesigurni i nezreli Stig Eriksson, koji mašta o velikoj solističkoj karijeri. Nakon &s...
Monday 01.06.2020 AT 20:00
Summer with Monika
(Sommaren med Monika, Sweden, 1953)
Directed by: Ingmar Bergman
Film postaje dostupan za besplatno online prikazivanje u utorak 2. lipnja u 20 sati, a nakon toga ostaje dostupan još 24 sata. Film ima hrvatske podnaslove, a gledanje je moguće samo iz Hrvatske. Promo kod za besplatno gledanje ovog filma glasi: MonikaFREE Upute o gledanju filma preko Vimeo online platforme pogledajte na: LINK Mladić Harry i djevojka Monika iz radničke četvrti Stockholma zaljube se i odluče otići od kuće i provesti zajedničko ljeto na malom otoku. No...
Tuesday 02.06.2020 AT 20:00
Port of Call
(Hamnstad, Sweden, 1948)
Directed by: Ingmar Bergman
Film postaje dostupan za online prikazivanje u srijedu 3. lipnja u 20 sati, a nakon toga ostaje dostupan još 24 sata. Film ima hrvatske podnaslove, a gledanje je moguće samo iz Hrvatske. Upute o gledanju filma preko Vimeo online platforme pogledajte na: LINK Mlada Berit depresivna je i samoubojstvu sklona tinejdžerica koja jednog dana skokom u more pokuša počiniti samoubojstvo. Spasi je nešto stariji Gösta, mladić koji se nakon osam godina proveden...
Wednesday 03.06.2020 AT 20:00
Cries and Whispers
(Viskningar och rop, Sweden, 1972 | Mjesto prikazivanja filma: Kino Forum (SD Stjepan Radić, Jarunska ul. 2))
Directed by: Ingmar Bergman
Agnes is dying of cancer. Her sisters Karin and Maria arrive to be at her side. However, Agnes’s devoted maid is the only one who remains strong until the end, despite her social inferiority. Karen and Maria, troubled by guilt, loneliness and jealousy do not have the power to offer their sister help or compassion on her deathbed…
color, 91'
Thursday 04.06.2020 AT 20:00
Virgin Spring
(Jungfrukällan, Sweden, 1960)
Directed by: Ingmar Bergman
Two older men brutally rape and murder the fifteen-year-old Brigitta while she’s on her way to church. By coincidence they seek refuge in Brigitta’s father’s house. After finding out who the two men are, he takes his revenge but soon experiences a crisis of faith, wondering what kind of a God would allow all these murders. In 1961, this film won an Oscar and a Golden Globe in the category of Best Foreign Film.
Friday 05.06.2020 AT 20:00
(Skammen, Sweden, 1968)
Directed by: Ingmar Bergman
Depicting the inability of an individual to escape the horrors of war, this film tells the story of the married Rosenberg couple. They are apolitical musicians who upon the outbreak of a civil war move to a remote island. There they continue playing their instruments and manage to survive thanks to the sale of wild berries and their neighbors’ help. After a plane full of soldiers crashes on the island, they are finally forced to face the war and its consequences.
Saturday 06.06.2020 AT 20:00
The Rite
(Riten, Sweden, 1969)
Directed by: Ingmar Bergman
Film postaje dostupan za online prikazivanje u nedjelju 7. lipnja u 20 sati, a nakon toga ostaje dostupan još 24 sata. Film ima hrvatske podnaslove, a gledanje je moguće samo iz Hrvatske. Upute o gledanju filma preko Vimeo online platforme pogledajte na: LINK U neimenovanoj zemlji sudac Abrahamson u svom uredu ispituje troje glumaca. Dok je sredovječni Hans Winkelmann vođa glumačke trupe, bogat i samozadovoljan čovjek, njegova razdražljiva supruga Thea je naizgled krhka ž...
Sunday 07.06.2020 AT 20:00
The Passion of Anna
(En passion, Sweden, 1969)
Directed by: Ingmar Bergman
Andreas, a man struggling with the recent demise of his marriage and his own emotional isolation, befriends a married couple who are also in the midst of psychological turmoil. He likewise meets Anna, who is grieving the recent deaths of her husband and son. She appears zealous in her faith and steadfast in her search for truth, but gradually her delusions surface. Andreas and Anna pursue a love affair, but he is unable to overcome his feelings of deep humiliation and remains disconnected. Meanw...
Monday 08.06.2020 AT 20:00
The Magician
(Ansiktet, Sweden, 1958)
Directed by: Ingmar Bergman
Mysterious Albert Vogler, a magician and spiritualist, and his troupe, Vogler's Magnetic Health Theatre, arrive in a small town to make a spectacular show. However, the prominent members of the town council – a sceptical doctor and chief of police – ask that Vogler first performs in front of them, intending to prove that his magic is a fraud. But Vogler and his troupe seem to be too clever for the noble pair (of positivists) who believes only in what has been scientifically proved…
Tuesday 09.06.2020 AT 20:00
A Lesson in Love
(En lection i kärlek, Sweden, 1954)
Directed by: Ingmar Bergman
Film postaje dostupan za online prikazivanje u srijedu 10. lipnja u 20 sati, a nakon toga ostaje dostupan još 24 sata. Film ima hrvatske podnaslove, a gledanje je moguće samo iz Hrvatske. Upute o gledanju filma preko Vimeo online platforme pogledajte na: LINK Iza Davida Ernemanna i njegove supruge Marianne je petnaest godina braka, i oboje osjećaju da su se već dobrano razdvojili i udaljili jedno od drugog. U tolikoj mjeri da je ginekolog David imao vezu sa svojom pa...
Wednesday 10.06.2020 AT 20:00
(Tystnaden, Sweden, 1963)
Directed by: Ingmar Bergman
The story of two sisters, Anna and Ester, who sojourn in a hotel in a town in the north of Europe. Anna’s ten-year-old son is with them too. Ester is a frustrated lesbian with no future, while Anna enjoys total sexual freedom. Soon it becomes obvious that what binds the sisters is an unusual and burdensome feeling of love and hate… Silence in the title indicates the sisters’ inability to communicate with one another, as with the inhabitants of the town whose language they do not spea...
Thursday 11.06.2020 AT 20:00
Scenes from a Marriage
(Scener ur ett äktenskap, Sweden, 1973)
Directed by: Ingmar Bergman
Originally, this was a very popular TV series in Sweden with six episodes. We follow the destruction of a marriage and a love affair between two people. Johan and Marianne are successful in business, they have children and are seemingly are very happy. However, Johan soon tells Marianne that he is having a love affair with a younger woman and announces the end of their marriage.
Friday 12.06.2020 AT 20:00
Hour of the Wolf
(Vargtimmen, Sweden, 1968)
Directed by: Ingmar Bergman
Film postaje dostupan za online prikazivanje u subotu 13. lipnja u 20 sati, a nakon toga ostaje dostupan još 24 sata. Film ima hrvatske podnaslove, a gledanje je moguće samo iz Hrvatske. Upute o gledanju filma preko Vimeo online platforme pogledajte na: LINK Trudna Alma Borg supruga je slikara Johana, koja redatelju filma pripovijeda o tome kako je njezin muž nestao. Veći dio svake godine oni su provodili na udaljenom švedskom otoku Faro, gdje je Johana sve vi...
Saturday 13.06.2020 AT 20:00
Waiting Women
(Kvinnors väntan, Sweden, 1952)
Directed by: Ingmar Bergman
Three wives are waiting for their husbands’ returns from a weekend house. They spend their time talking about their marriages. Rakel’s husband cannot sexually please her so she turns to her ex-lover Kaj, but her husband discovers them. Marta remembers her love affair and marriage with an artist from Paris whose parents did not approve of their relationship. Karin became close to husband again after they got stuck in an elevator.
Sunday 14.06.2020 AT 20:00
The Devil's Eye
(Djävulens öga, Sweden, 1960)
Directed by: Ingmar Bergman
The innocence and purity of the priest’s young daughter Britt-Marie is a thorn in the devil’s eye. So he decides to send Don Juan, his servant Pablo and his best devil from hell to Earth. Their mission is to seduce Britt-Marie and take her virginity. But the plan goes wrong when Don Juan starts to fall in love with Britt-Marie...
Monday 15.06.2020 AT 20:00
Music in Darkness
(Musik i mörker, Sweden, 1948)
Directed by: Ingmar Bergman
Film postaje dostupan za online prikazivanje u utorak 16. lipnja u 20 sati, a nakon toga ostaje dostupan još 24 sata. Film ima hrvatske podnaslove, a gledanje je moguće samo iz Hrvatske. Upute o gledanju filma preko Vimeo online platforme pogledajte na: LINK Slijepi glazbenik zaljubi se u dobrodušnu djevojku i to mu da snage da se suoči sa svojom bolesti te glazbom. Adaptacija istoimena romana Dagmar Edqvist koja je s redateljem i napisala scenarij,...